
Ready-Made Service

Its Sustainable September the month in which we are encouraged us to only buy second hand, to re-use and re-cycle what we already have. Its seems fitting then to relaunch the ‘Ready-Mades’, made to measure wallpaper artworks created using wallpapers sourced from the worlds abundant resource of left over wallpapers.

The ‘Ready-Made’ service combines rolls of found vintage wallpapers with additional sympathetically designed complimentary papers, to create one of a kind, custom made wallpaper art. An imaginative way to use up left over wallpapers by addressing the shortfall of paper needed to decorate specific walls.

The ‘Ready-Made’ service is a small attempt to take into consideration the stuff we produce and the beginning of a wider reflection upon our ‘treadmill of accumulation’.

If you have any found, vintage or left over wallpapers you would like me to work with please get in touch

Laura Ashley Gallon Wallpaper used in Gatsby Burger Bar by SJ design.

‘Crown Floral’ available in the web shop.


Ready Made wallpaper art, Marina Fountain, St Leonards-on-Sea

Posted under News on 1.9.23 at 10.53am